Sunday, December 2, 2012

Shibani - Skyrim Adventure - Day 1 - Part 2

Last time Shibani write about getting inside keep and wearing armor given by Imperial captain. Well, then he guide Shibani through keep, and together they fight Stormcloak soldiers. Shibani learn how to move close to enemy and kill them with sword. She try sneaking, but it not work well. Ah well, Shibani have lots of time to learn how to sneak better.

Shibani and Hadvar kill Stormcloaks

Shibani make her first kill

After fight, Shibani get health and magicka potions from barrels and follow Hadvar. They see more Stormcloaks fighting Imperials. They help fight Stormcloaks and after that Shibani meet the Imperial Torturer. Shibani think the man be real scary.

Imperial Torturer scare Shibani, although he not hurt her

Shibani learn good spells here and practice her lockpicking skills on the cages. Torturer does not mind. Shibani get better at lockpicking - a little bit though. She still need too much practice before she break big locks and get big loot.

Then Shibani follow Hadvar through underground tunnels, where they fight frostbite spiders. They see a sleeping bear and Hadvar tell Shibani to sneak past it. But little Shibani be brave. She kill bear with bow and arrow.

Shibani aim with bow and sneak attack sleeping bear

Shibani kill bear and search body to get bear pelt

Then Shibani and Hadvar get out of cave. Hadvar tell her to go to Riverwood and meet blacksmith. Finally! Shibani never spend too much time underground. Now she breathe easily again.

Down the road, Shibani see big stones. Hadvar say they are skill stones. Shibani choose the Thief stone. Now she can learn thief skills faster.

Shibani choose Thief stone

Well, now Shibani be in Riverwood. She talk to Alvor, the blacksmith Hadvar talk about.

Shibani meet Alvor

Let's see what else little Shibani can do in Skyrim to get her purse full of septims. Guardian help her, right?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shibani - Skyrim Adventure - Day 1 - Part 1

Shibani not know much about Skyrim before she take the trip there. She hear that it is the home of big, hardy Nords, who not like outsiders much. Well, not a problem. As you may already know, Khajit like to sneak, and little Shibani is no exception. She stay out of sight, she does not bother Nords, and everything is fine, right?


There Shibani is, crouching behind a snowberry bush, eyeing the nice golden necklace of an old-looking Altmer, when she feel a hand on her shoulder and a bump on her head. Next thing she knows, she is on this horse carriage with three other Nords, all with their hands bound. Shibani not understand. She has not even made her first mark. Already they want to kill her? What horrible people are these?

She is brought down from carriage with others and made to stand in line. Then they separate the big Nord man named Wolfric from the rest and take him to the side. She sees one man (possibly a horse thief) try to run and get killed by archers. She can only stare as the Nord in front of her is put on the chopping block. AND THEN THEY CHOP OFF HIS HEAD WITH A BIG AXE!

Oh No! Poor Shibani is next! She not get to see Elsewyr again! Goodbye warm sands!

Just as the big man with the axe raise it to kill Shibani, a dragon comes and throws the man to the ground with a shout. He not get up again!

Dragon save Shibani from getting her head chopped off!

Poor Shibani faint from the shout. When she awake, she find that she cannot control her hands and feet. Someone else guide her hands and feet, take her away from the dragon's fire! What magic is this?

Then Shibani remember her granny's tales. She tell Shibani about powerful creatures named Guardians. They take over heroes and help them complete great quests, earn fame, glory, and lots and lots of septims! They can even bring heroes back from death by casting a very powerful spell called Quick Load! But little Shibani is not a hero. She is just a thief! Why would a Guardian help her? Ah well, Shibani cannot think so much! She go where the Guardian take her!

Dragon breathe fire on Shibani, but nothing happen!

Shibani get inside the keep, but the dragon break keep wall and breathe fire on her. But nothing happen! Then the dragon get away and Shibani jump out. The dragon land again some time later, but he not attack Shibani. Still, Shibani afraid of the dragon!

The dragon look big, and very scary!

She follow the Imperial Captain, who seems nice, and gets inside the keep. Captain give her Imperial armor to wear. Oh well, Shibani only wear sack cloth until now, and the armor look shiny and warm! Shibani look into a bucket of water after she wear armor. She think she look pretty!

Shibani think she look pretty! Don't know what Guardian think.

Shibani tired now. She write journal again later. She can sleep a little now. Guardian will watch over her, right?